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Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator Essentials 

Course Description:


Adobe Illustrator is a powerful vector image creation software. It is used all over the world by professional artists and designers who want to create images, logos, letterings, signs, package spreads, posters and prints. This software is widely used in printing, UI/UX design and digital art. We will start the study of the course from the basics of the software interface, will study the possibilities of working with simple objects and will create vector images. Using the software, we will create different types of texts and effects, we will turn raster images into vectors and vice versa. During the course we will study the rules of making printed models.

After this course, you will be able to:


  • Develop and edit vector images
  • Working with texts, create different types of titles
  • Create multi-page files
  • Work with characters
  • Creating and editing 3D effects
  • Prepare the results for printing

As a result, you will get:

  • Adobe Illustrator essentials knowledge of vector images that you can use to create brochures, booklets, graphic elements, infographics, website layouts, and individual icons

The curriculum of each training course can be modified and supplemented in accordance with the interests and requirements of customers.
