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Rigging in 3ds Max


We kindly invite you to participate in the webinar "Rigging in 3ds Max''. 3D rigging is one of the most important skills you should learn if you want to create animated characters like those you see on screens. This webinar will cover all of the fundamentals of Rigging. During this webinar, we will run through the whole steps of rigging for 3D objects. We will create and manipulate bones using 3ds Max CAT Parent. After finalizing the rig we will set up inverse kinematics and will fix the skinning for the object. At the end of the webinar, there will be a Q&A session where we will answer all your questions.


The language of the reports is Armenian.
Meeting place- Google Meet
Meeting time- 19:00-20:00
Mail you need to specify Gmail


Key Topics: 
- How to correctly prepare your models for Rigging 
- What is Rigging and why is it important
- Create bones using 3ds Max CAT Parent
- Setup inverse kinematics
- Skinning your model


Sona Babayan
- Autodesk Certified Instructor (Parallax Group)

You cannot register because the event is over : 2021-12-06